Cass County (IL)
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Cass County
Cass County Sheriff's Office WEB FB
- Since Oct 99, this system handles 24 hour dispatch for Sheriff's Department and all county Fire / Police except Beardstown.
- 6/26/17 - Noted that mobiles on the NXDN system ARE NOT ENCRYPTED. *3/6/18 - Mobiles heard were encrypted
No Longer in use
- 151.1975 Repeater/154.79250 RM 146.2 PL Sheriff: Dispatch - Old (Virginia) WQDD535
- Remote Links: 453.2375 Chandlerville, 453.5875 Virginia, 453.6375 Arenzville/Morgan Co, 453.8125 Ashland, 458.4375 Beardstown
- 159.15 Repeater/153.815 67.0 PL Sheriff: Old Dispatch (Virginia) WNKG247
- 153.815 F 67.0 PL Sheriff (Backup dispatch Beardstown, Virginia PD) WNKG247
- 460.3625, 460.46250 F CSQ Sheriff: Remote Links (Beardstown/Virginia) [Expired] KSD336
- 156.15 M Sheriff: Car-to-Car WNKG247
- 155.91 F Sheriff (Old Repeater Input) [Deleted] WNKG247
- 39.46 B CSQ Old Point-to-Point [Expired - mobile were KK4147] KSD336
- 39.5 B CSQ Old County Sheriff's Net [Expired - mobile were KK4147] KJI531
- 37.980 KDZ341 BM Highway Department (Virginia) [Expired 11/11] FM Deprecated 1/4/25
Cass County 911 - No Longer in Use
- 453.43750 F CSQ Fire/EMS: Receive Link - Beardstown [Expired 7/15] WQDB299
- 453.66250 F CSQ Fire/EMS: Receive Link - Arenzville [Expired 7/15] WQDB299
453.78750 F CSQ Fire/EMS: Receive Link - Ashland [Expired 7/15] WQDB299
Cass County NXDN Radio IDs
- 1000 DISPATCH (9/17)
- 1002 CA2 FRIE... (3/18)
- 1003 CA3 OHRN
- 1026 CA26 BIRDSELL (was CCSD BIRDSELL, updated 2/10/15)
- 1051 CA30BORIS (4/3/17) was CA8A-LONG
- 1207 BT7-ROBISON (158.73 beardstown 9/19)
- 2001 CCSD SQUAD 1 (5/17)
- 2002 CCSD SQUAD 2 (5/17)
- 2003 CCSD SQUAD 3
- 2005 CCSD SQUAD 5
- 2010 CCSD SQUAD 10
- 2021 VPD SQUAD 1
- 2092 3C21 MECCA (Ambulance) (2/18)
- 2992 ...DISP...
EMS Agencies / Hospitals
Beardstown Ambulance
- As of 3/18, now serving Virginia and the surrounding area ( Virginia, Ashland, Chandlerville and the rural areas of eastern Cass County’s seven townships )
- 3C26 Beardstown Ambulance (155.25 serving Virginia 7/18)
News releases
Mecca Paramedics (Virginia)
- 3/18 - Decommissioned; Countywide EMS now provided by Beardstown Fire/EMS
- Licensed to Robert A Daniel; Appears to also have access to the county NXDN system.
- 1/18 - Reported to be going out of business soon. EMS will have to be provided by Mutual Aid until a new service takes over. Link
Old Frequency - 154.54 BM 210.7 PL EMS: Dispatch WNSI385
Municipalities and Districts
Virginia Township Highway
159.87 Mobiles {{Callsign|WQDU502} [Expired 11/15] FMN Deprecated 1/4/25
CRWD - CR Water District
- Tower located in Philadelphia near Philadelphia Township Shed
Beardstown Township
- 156.0625 mobiles NXDN WRKD903
Beardstown (City)
- 3-C-20 3 452 02 White Box (5/17)
Former Frequencies/Licenses
- 934.88750 F F1 Police (FX0-2175 Guard tone-Microwave Link 200 E. 15TH ST.) WQEW655
- 934.93750 F F2 Police (FX0-2175 Guard tone-Microwave Link 8295 ARENZVILLE RD) WQEW652
- 934.98750 F F3 Police (FX0-2175 Guard tone-Microwave Link 10062 US HWY 67) WQEW653
- 943.88750 F F4 Police (FX0-2175 Guard tone-Microwave Link 418 E. MAIN ST) WQEW654
- 943.93750 F F5 Police (FX0-2175 Guard tone-Microwave Link 418 E. MAIN ST) WQEW654
- 943.98750 F F6 Police (FX0-2175 Guard tone-Microwave Link 418 E. MAIN ST) WQEW654
- 155.595 Repeater/154.83 146.2 PL Police: Old Dispatch [Old, Expired] KNGB661
- 159.15 Repeater/153.815 67.0 PL Police: Old Sheriff Dispatch [Expired] KNGB661
- 158.73 is NEXEDGE96, Encrypted (DSD+ 3/6/18)
RIDs seen: -1000 DISPATCH -1223 ...SSU... -1277 BPD SPARE 2 -2201 BPD SQUAD 1 -2203 ??? -2205 BPD SQUAD 5
RID1223 seen on Group call and also showed talkgroup 3452 (12/8/16)
- 159.18 Maintenance / Utilities (possibly 146.2, heard in the area)
- Fire pages are possibly stored (from 159.105 D411) and repeated locally. (12/13)
Virginia (City)
- 159.15 Repeater/153.815 Sheriff Dispatch: Police [Expired 5/13] WNKG247
Cass County School District 63
A-C Central School District 262
- A small, rural district, A-C Central has an elementary school (K-4) in Chandlerville, a junior high school (5-8) in Ashland, and a high school (9-12) at the same facility as the junior high school in Ashland.
- The territory covers 150 square miles (390 km2) in Cass County, Morgan County, Sangamon County, and Menard County
- 151.985 Repeater with 158.34 (NFM/NXDN) at Ashland154.4825 confirmed in use as NXDN, 10 RAN WQYF921
Triopia School District 27
- Concord, Chapin and Arenzville; See Morgan County
Greater Beardstown Airport [K06]
- Beardstown SuperValu - 464.1875 Mobiles Grocery Store Ops WNSH816
AC Jones Trucking
- Sandidge Farms 153.035 Base/Mobile (Chandlerville) KNAC210
- Ashland Farmers Elevator 461.125 Repeater WDQ251
- Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation: Plant Ops 153.53 Repeater?WQDI775
- Clarkson Grain (Beardstown) 462.3 Repeater WQIK201
- Harris, Gary: Farming (7 mid-power units)159.675, 159.87 WQDU502 M
- Hrsn-Th Farm Harrison-Thornley Farms (Ashland) 464.725 Repeater WPPT911 [Expired 8/05]
Excel Corporation (Arenzville)
GM Sipes Construction Company (of Rushville at Virginia)
- 463.825 Repeater Construction Ops [Expired 8/04] WPEZ206
- NBJ Inc. (Oakford) - 464.325 Repeater Operations [Expired 5/04] WNNP866
Utilities / Service Companies
- Cass County Telephone/Cable Website )(Cass Communications Management)
- --serves parts of Cass, Morgan Counties, also Sherman, Williamsville-Sangamon, Petersburg-Menard, Jerseyville-Jersey
- Schnitter Truck Lines (Arenzville) 160.035 BM WPTP829
- Cass County Telephone Company 461.2 Repeater KNIL306
- Cass County Cable TV (Jerseyville-Jersey,Williamsville-Sangamon) 461.2 Repeater WQGJ936
- Beardstown Redi-Mix 464.625 Repeater WPWV511
Miscellaneous Businesses - Beardstown
- 151.775 114.8 PL heard in Beardstown (1/10/13-same tone as Bond County EMS)
- 151.865 146.2 PL heard in Beardstown (12/13, workers)
- 158.385 heard in use DMR Beardstown (1/10/13)
KFC - Beardstown - 154.54 88.5 Drive-Thru Order Taker (3/13)
ADM Grain (Beardstown)
- 461.7375 CC9, TG=1, RIDs=15940401, 15940405, 15940408 (451.475 portables also on license)
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation (Beardstown)
- 151.715 D026 heard west of Virginia, mobiles WQBH619
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